New restructuring here on the blog and podcast

Until last Sunmer, I hosted the Music Ed Tech Talk podcast here on SquareSpace, as a separate blog page from this one. In August, I moved my podcast to Libsyn but continued to cross post the episodes to that SquareSpace blog so that episodes would have a nice place on the web that looked like it was in a consistent style with the rest of my website.

Having two SquareSpace blogs here seemed redundant. So I have combined the podcast with this blog and now they are both called Music Ed Tech Talk. It will make no difference to readers and listeners. Everything is just under the same hood. Subscribers to the blog will get blog posts each time a publish a podcast episode, containing the show notes and a web player to listen from the web. Listeners to the show can continue to use the same feed to get just the episodes in their podcast player of choice.

If you click Blog in the navigation of my website, or type, it willl take you here, where you can see all posts and episodes. If you click podcasts in the nav bar, and select Music Ed Tech Talk, it will no longer take you to the old, secondary, blog I was using for the podcast. Now it will take you to this blog, but with the podcast category filtered, so you only see episodes once you scroll below whatever blog post is featured at the top.

I'm not sure if anyone cares about these details except for me, but it sure does feel good not to be posting all of my new podcast episodes to SquareSpace two times. I am leaving the old podcast blog site up because it still gets search hits on the web, but I have de-linked it from this site.

By the way, if you haven't, you should subscribe to the blog and podcast using the appropriate links in the sidebar. You can now subscribe to these posts in a weekly email!