e learning

🔗 Choir Creator: All-in-One Virtual Ensemble Maker App, Shipping Next Month on iOS

New app for creating virtual ensembles coming next month. Click the link to read more information directly from the developer’s website and sign up to be notified when it is released.

Choir Creator: The All-in-One Virtual Choir Builder:

Choir Creator is the easiest way to organize and produce a virtual choir video. Releasing to the United States and Canada in August 2020 for iPhone and iPad running iOS 12.4 or later.

From the YouTube demo on the developer’s website, it looks like the workflow solves nearly all of the friction of this process. The business model of charging the teacher a considerable (but reasonable) amount of money and nothing to the student is solid.

That said, this process does not leave a lot of room for control. I would like to be able to, for example, turn up the tuba if it isn’t loud enough. I can think of numerous other ways that I would want to exercise more control than the output of this app would allow. That said, there is a strong market for software that makes it this easy. I think it may do well.

It’s iOS only at launch, which is not a surprise, but will limit school systems where students are using Chromebooks.

Edit: I have spoken with the developers of this app. They informed me that Choir Creator will support basic audio editing features at launch, like changing the volume and panning of each track. They said they have more audio editing features to come. Good to know!

🎙 #13 - Exploring Noteflight Learn, with John Mlynczak

John Mlynczak returns to the show to discuss Noteflight's new integration with Sound Check and offers advice to educators about teaching online this fall, and what we can learn from it.

Show Notes:

App of the Week: Robby - Kindle/Audible | John - TikTok

Album of the Week: Robby - Igor Levit - Beethoven Piano Sonatas | John - Hamilton on Disney+

Where to Find Us: Robby - Twitter | Blog | Book | John - Twitter

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